Elkeith.com > Elkeith Photography > Galleries > Birds > Marsh Crake
Marsh Crake (Porzana pusilla)
Size: 18 cm, 40 gm.
Description: A tiny rail, like a mini Banded Rail or super tiny Weka. Lower parts blue-grey, upper parts light brown streaked black and white. Bill and legs greenish grey.
Habitat: Fresh and salt water wetland areas supporting dense reeds and rushes. Feed on invertebrates, aquatic plant seeds and tiny fish.
Status: Protected native. Common in specific areas, but their secretive nature prohibits accurate counts.
Breeding: October - January. 5-7 eggs. Nest a shallow platform 30cm above the water, overhung by dead sedge leaves for protection. Both sexes incubate.
Where and how to photograph: Good opportunities on the edges of beds of reeds and rushes, best from a kayak or floating hide to achieve eye-level photographs.
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