Elkeith.com > Elkeith Photography > Galleries > Birds > New Zealand Pipit
New Zealand Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae)
Size: 19cm, 40g
Description: Yellow/brown buff bird, underparts white, head and upperparts brown. Noticeable white eyebrow. Flicks its long tail up and down when perched.
Habitat: Ranges from coastal habitat to alpine areas. Most often near rocky ground; shingle riverbeds, scree slopes and metal roads.
Status: Uncommon protected native. Widespread and locally common.
Breeding: August - March. 2-5 eggs in a cup shaped nest made from dry grass. The nest is very close to the ground - the parents usually walk to the nest, but fly from it.
Where to photograph: Pipits usually perch in open areas and are not too timid. Once located they are usually quite rewarding to photograph.
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